Anxiety Therapist

Anxiety Therapist Serving Wilmington, NC

Anxiety can manifest itself in many different ways. Some people may struggle with a looming feeling of dread, whereas others may have an incessant worried feeling that occurs for even the smallest of things or inconveniences. Other forms of anxiety include: 
● Constant fear/worry
● Inability to relax with loss of hunger and headaches 
● Panicked feeling accompanied by increased heart rate 
● Insomnia or difficulty falling asleep due to worry
● Paranoia and sense of dread

Anxiety affects millions of people; it’s estimated that one in five people suffer from some type of anxiety. The positive is that anxiety is a very treatable condition. During our early sessions, my goal is to identify the areas that trigger your anxiety and develop a plan to help reduce triggers or combat them when they do arise. Finding an anxiety therapist that you can trust can help you to understand these feelings, and build different treatment plans to help you overcome these crippling symptoms.

Benefits of Seeking an Anxiety Therapist

Anxiety can come in various forms, and it's crucial to understand that you are not alone, whether you are suffering from panic attacks, an incapacitating phobia, obsessions, or unrelenting worries. Often anxiety has a way of making people feel alone, thinking other people cannot relate. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), over 40 million adults in the United States have an anxiety disorder. An anxiety therapist will uncover the underlying causes of your worries and fears and give you the tools to overcome your anxiety. An anxiety therapist will teach you different ways to relax, develop better coping skills, and look at new situations differently. 

If you struggle with anxiety, visit Dr. Ralph W. Fox for assistance. Dr. Fox will take an individualized approach, find what triggers your fears, and find a way to help you deal with anxiety, so it doesn’t affect your quality of life. Please give us a call to schedule a session with our anxiety therapist. We welcome residents in Wilmington, NC, and the surrounding communities. 

The Effectiveness of Anxiety Therapy

Asking for help is always better than trying to struggle through it alone. Our anxiety therapist is here to help you experience relief from your anxiety, no matter how severe. Our patients often ask us: "How effective is therapy for treating anxiety?" The answer is it is very effective. Most patients experience relief within a few sessions. It is so effective for some that it may even eliminate your anxiety altogether.

Call Today for Virtual Counseling Sessions with Our Anxiety Therapist Based in Wilmington, NC

As an experienced anxiety therapist, I am versed in a number of different treatment options. I understand that what works for someone else may not be right for you in your treatment. Open, honest discussion is key, therefore creating a private yet comfortable environment where you can speak freely is important to my practice. When studying and opening my practice as a licensed anxiety therapist, the main goal is to help my patients no longer be held back by their anxiety. Call me today to set up a time for a private appointment in Wilmington, NC
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